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In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back..
Robert Tucker, a sorrowful, solitary man, given to bouts of weeping, tries to balance his life caring for his aging mother, his Catholicism, his homosexuality, and his dull job. One night, after his mother has gone to bed, he dons leather and heads for a private club. He telephones a tattoo artist with a special request. He goes to confession, accusing himself of despairing. He cries out during a nightmare, waking his mother. "You're a good boy," she's told him. He prays the Stations of the Cross, and he lives out his own sorrowful mysteries.
幸存者们发现岛上存在神秘建筑入口,在杰克(马修·福克斯 Matthew Fox 饰)的带领下进行探索,强制进入舱门后,发现里面竟然有人,且是杰克曾经在现实中有过一面之缘的戴斯蒙德(亨利·伊恩·库斯科 Henry Ian Cusick 饰),如同看到救星一般,戴斯蒙德留下一串数字密码便跑掉了,而杰克一行则需要接替他的任务——每隔108分钟输入密码以关掉警报。在舱门中,幸存者们找到充足食物,也由一卷录影带了解到这座孤岛的背景,似乎和某个失败的实验有关。另一方面,扎起竹筏试图离开岛屿的迈克尔(哈罗·佩里纽 Harold Perrineau 饰)等人并没有成功驶向深海,而是被潮水带到岛的另一边,发现还有一群机尾的幸存者,他们挟持着迈克尔等人慢慢向营地靠近……